Derbyshire County Council are considering building a new school to accommodate both the Town End Junior School and the Tibshelf Infant School on the former school playing fields.
Last year, Derbyshire County Council launched a consultation for local residents to let them know their views. The options the council put forward were to continue the new school project, involving the closure and demolition of the two smaller schools; or to discontinue the plans for a new school and refurbish the two smaller schools.
Both myself and Cllr James Barron, County Councillor for Tibshelf, are in favour of the proposals to build a new school as it would give our young people a modern, fit-for-purpose, school with a good learning environment, which will increase their life chances and give them the best possible start in life.
That's why we recently launched a petition so that local residents can help back the campaign to secure funding for a new school for primary education in Tibshelf - New School for Tibshelf Petition | Mark Fletcher (