In the Chamber

Mark often raises issues and takes parts in debates about matters relating to his constituents and the country as a whole.  You can view videos of Mark speaking in the House of Commons and Westminster Hall on  Mark Fletcher MP - YouTube.

You can read about Contributions for Mark Fletcher - Hansard - UK Parliament or on the  TheyWorkForYou website. Some recent contributions are linked below;

Business of the House (13 Jul 2023)

Energy Security and Net Zero: Topical Questions ( 4 Jul 2023)

Energy Security and Net Zero: Nuclear Fusion: Energy Provision (23 May 2023)

Energy Security and Net Zero: Nuclear Fusion: Energy Provision (23 May 2023)

Victims and Prisoners Bill (15 May 2023)

Reforms to NHS Dentistry (27 Apr 2023)

Business of the House (27 Apr 2023)

Gambling Act Review White Paper (27 Apr 2023)

Ukraine (27 Apr 2023)

Written Answers — Department for Culture, Media and Sport: Question (27 Apr 2023)

Health and Social Care: Topical Questions (25 Apr 2023)

Written Answers — Department for Work and Pensions: Universal Credit (24 Apr 2023)

International Child Abduction — [Judith Cummins in the Chair] (22 Mar 2023)

Northern Ireland: Troubles-related Crime (22 Mar 2023)

Northern Ireland: Troubles-related Crime (22 Mar 2023)

Science, Innovation and Technology: Internet Access: Low-income Families (15 Mar 2023)

Science, Innovation and Technology: Internet Access: Low-income Families (15 Mar 2023)

AUKUS Defence Partnership (14 Mar 2023)

HS2: Revised Timetable and Budget (14 Mar 2023)

Illegal Migration Bill ( 7 Mar 2023)

Post-16 Education: Bolsover ( 7 Mar 2023)

Change of Name by Registered Sex Offenders ( 2 Mar 2023)

Business of the House ( 2 Mar 2023)

Transport: Topical Questions J28 ( 2 Mar 2023)

Sexual Offences (Prohibition of Name Change) ( 1 Mar 2023)

Education: Topical Questions (27 Feb 2023)

Written Answers — Scotland Office: Question (22 Feb 2023)

Levelling Up, Housing and Communities: Topical Questions (20 Feb 2023)

Written Answers — Department of Health and Social Care: Mental Health Services: Young People (31 Jan 2023)

Doctor Training — [Sir George Howarth in the Chair] (17 Jan 2023)

Business of the House (12 Jan 2023)

M1: Junction 28 (11 Jan 2023)

M1: Junction 28 (11 Jan 2023)

Justice: Support for Rape Victims (10 Jan 2023)

Justice: Support for Rape Victims (10 Jan 2023)

Levelling Up, Housing and Communities: First-time Buyers ( 9 Jan 2023)

Levelling Up, Housing and Communities: First-time Buyers ( 9 Jan 2023)











Mark speaks in Economic Growth debate - House of Commons

5.17pm Mark Fletcher  (Bolsover) (Con) In respect of what the hon. Member for Swansea West (Geraint Davies) said about democracy, one would think that in the current circumstances we would be incredibly careful. We cherish our democracy in this country. Our institutions are strong.