Over the last few days whilst out canvassing in Elmton and Creswell, a number of residents have raised concerns regarding a proposed 118-acre solar farm. (22/00583/FUL)
I know some residents are concerned for HGV traffic through Creswell and Elmton during the building stage, however I have raised this issue directly with Bolsover District Council who have outlined that access will be directed to the site through Mag Lane from the A616 - meaning logistics will have minimal impact for residents in Elmton or Creswell.
I have also made representations to Bolsover District Council regarding the potential impact on the Archaeological Way.
I am incredibly supportive of renewable energy projects, but due to the size of this site (roughly 60 football pitches) I wanted to know your views.
Please let me know your thoughts here: Let's Talk (conservatives.com)